Contact us

 > お問い合わせ

Thank you for visiting our homepage.
Please feel free to contact us shall you have any questions and suggestions via telephone, fax or email.
Looking forward to hearing from you

Contact us by phone or fax

To whom wishing to contact us by phone or fax, please dial the number shown below.

  • 1071 Murooka, Yame city, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. 834-0066
  • 0943-24-0010
  • 0943-24-0020

Contact us by email

Feel free to contact us by mail if you have any questions or suggestions.
It may take time for replying due to different content of inquiry. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
Please make sure your contact information is correctly filled in so that we could reply you instantly.
If you are not receiving reply form us, please contact with us directly by phone.

  • ※Some unicode characters may shown as error if the computer operating environment is different.

*Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk

Phone number
Inquiry content*
Personal information protection

Oishi Tea Factory ("the company") complies with laws, ordinances and other regulations regarding personal information protection.

[Personal information]
Information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, address, phone number, e-mail and etc.
[Purpose of use of personal information]
When collecting personal information through this site, we will in principle provide information based on the preferences of the user himself.
By collecting personal information, we will specify and explicitly indicate its purpose of use. We collect personal information within the range necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use.
[Limits on use of personal information]
The purpose of using personal information will be notified and/or disclosed beforehand. The company will not supply any personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual concerned, except as permitted by law.
[About management of personal information]
The website administrator will strictly controls and endeavor to prevent improper access, alteration, loss and/or leakage of personal information. For personal information that is no longer necessary for saving purposes, we will erase it reliably and promptly.